about Us
The global challenges of multidrug-resistant microbial pathogens and the evolution of SARS- CoV-2, in an ever-expanding population of immunocompromised patients with cancer, transplantation, autoimmune diseases, and other immunodeficiencies require new integrated strategies of novel immunotherapeutics, antimicrobial therapy, and rapid molecular diagnostics. These strategies are essential for being able to combat life-threatening infections in our immunocompromised host populations. Therefore, a new center is being established in order to provide a powerful engine of translational research from pre-clinical studies to patient-oriented clinical trials for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of life-threatening infections in immunocompromised patients with cancer: Center for Innovative Therapeutics and Diagnostics
The mission of the Center for Innovative Therapeutics and Diagnostics is to develop, investigate, and implement leading-edge technologies for novel immunotherapeutics, new antimicrobial agents, and advanced molecular detection systems for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of life-threatening infections in immunocompromised pediatric and adult patients with cancer, transplantation, autoimmune diseases, and other immunodeficiencies.
Organizational Structure
The Center for Innovative Therapeutics and Diagnostics (CITD) will be organized under the Office of the Director that oversees, supports, and coordinates the Translational Research Laboratory and Clinical Research Office.
Translational Research Laboratory (TRL): designs, organizes, conducts, and reports in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo preclinical investigations of novel small molecule immunotherapeutics, new antimicrobial agents, and innovative molecular diagnostics; prepares reports for IND and NDA applications in conjunction with the parent sponsors and collaborators.
Clinical Research Office (CRO): designs, organizes, conducts, and reports clinical investigations of new antimicrobial agents, immunotherapeutic molecules, and molecular diagnostic platforms arising from the TRL and from external collaborators; develops, implements, submits, and monitors clinical protocols through initiation to completion; prepares reports for IND and NDA applications in conjunction with the parent sponsor and collaborator.
Cancer, Transplant, and Immunodeficiency Supportive Care
The Center serves as an engine of innovation and translational research for Cancer, Transplant, and autoimmune Supportive Care, especially in augmentation of innate systemic and mucosal host defenses, hematopoietic recovery, treatment of MDR pathogens, and rapid molecular diagnosis.
The Translational Research Laboratory and the Clinical Research Office collaborates with university partners, industrial scientists, government agencies, philanthropic organizations, and foundations in order to achieve the Center’s life-saving mission.
Resources for the Center consists of grants and contracts from industrial collaborations, government agencies, and foundation partnerships, as well as critical contributions from philanthropic supporters.
Office of the Director
Director: Thomas J. Walsh, MD, PhD (Hon), FIDSA, FAAM, FECMM
Administrative Support
Administrative Assistant 1: Jeniffer Rabb
Administrative Assistant 2: TBD
Administrative Assistant 3: TBD
Translational Research Laboratory
Senior Laboratory Director for Immunotherapeutics: Emmanuel Roilides, MD, PhD
The Laboratory will be initially supported by five technologists: TBD
Two doctoral fellows: Panagiotis Zagaliotis, MS; Povilas Kavaliauskas, MS,
Two post-doctoral fellows: TBD
Four senior scientists: Maria Simitsopoulou, PhD; Anthi Petrou PhD; Ioannis Vizirianakis PhD; Athina Geronikaki, PhD
Clinical Research Office
Associate Director: TBD
Clinical Research Scholar: TBD Regulatory Coordinator: TBD Protocol Development Manager: TBD Study Reporting Manager: TBD
Data manager: TBD
Research nurses: TBD
Research assistants: TBD